2nasaan the oon has \039grahite hiskers\039asadena, caif a ne ysis of a nar sae ected by aoo 17, researchers have detected and dated carbon on the oon the for of grahite the oty stuff of enci ead hich survived fro around 38 biion years a, hen the oon as heaviy bobarded by teorites u to no, stists thought the trace aounts of carbon revioy detected on the surface of the oon ca fro the r d
4百度百科“潮汐锁定”词条潮汐锁定,天体术语,或同步自转、受俘自转发生在重力梯度使天体永远以同一面对着另一个天体;例如,月球永远以同一面朝向着地球。潮汐锁定的天体绕自身的轴旋转一圈要花上绕着同伴公转一圈相同的时间。这种同步自转导致一个半球固定不变的朝向伙伴。 ,